Sen. Robinson sponsors Senior Health Fair in Bethel Park
PA State Senator Devlin J. Robinson [37th District] invites area older adults and their families to a Senior Expo from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, September 15 at Bethel Park Community Center, located at 5151 Park Avenue in Bethel Park. The event will offer information about local health and wellness services that are accessible to older adults.
To learn more, call Sen. Robinson’s office at (412) 785-3030.
Rep. Deasy hosts Senior Health Fair in three locations around the county
PA State Representative Dan Deasy [27th District] welcomes all seniors to three Senior Health Fairs being held around Allegheny County. Events will take place as follows:
• From noon to 3 p.m. on Friday, September 22 at the Sheraden Senior Center, located at 720 Sherwood Avenue in Sheraden.
• From noon to 3 p.m. on Friday, September 28 at the West End Senior Center, located at 80 Wabash Street in the West End.
• From noon to 3 p.m. on Friday, October 3 at the Mt. Washington Senior Center, located at 122 Virginia Avenue on Mt. Washington.
Activities will include exhibits from local, county, and state agencies that will present information about health and wellness services that are available to assist older adults. Come, learn, and be well!
For more information, call Rep. Deasy’s office at (412) 928-9514.
Community Health Fair comes to Wexford
PA State Representative Rob Mercuri [28th District] invites area seniors to a Community Health Fair from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, October 15 at the AHN Wexford Health and Wellness Pavilion, located at 12311 Perry Highway in Wexford.
The fair promises to provide helpful information about how older adults can access state-related health and wellness services. Attendees will have an opportunity to receive free flu shots and register for door prizes. Refreshments will be available. Masks are required.
To learn more, visit
Senior Fair and Flu Clinic comes to Mt. Lebanon
PA State Representative Dan Miller [42th District] will host a Drive-Thru Senior Fair and Flu Clinic from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, September 22 in the Mt. Lebanon Lutheran Church parking lot, located at 975 Washington Road in Mt. Lebanon. The fair, in partnership with local health agencies, will include information from seniors and caregivers from local, state, and federal government offices, as well as resources from local service providers and businesses. Attendees can get flu and Covid-19 booster shots for free with a Medicare or valid medical insurance card. Advance registration for the shots is required by September 12.
Pre-register for flu and booster shots online at or by calling (412) 343-3870.
Rep. Mizgorski sponsors Senior Expo in Allison Park
PA State Representative Lori Mizgorski [30th District] invites area seniors to a Senior Expo from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, September 23 at the Hampton Community Center, located at 3101 McCully Road in Allison Park. The expo will bring in exhibitors from local, county, and state agencies who will present information about services that are available to assist older adults. Attendees will be able to apply for Pittsburgh Regional Transit ConnectCards, get free health screenings, and register for door prizes. Flu shots will be administered (with a valid medical insurance card). Light refreshments will be available.
To learn more, call (412) 487-6605 or visit
Senior Resource Fair to take place in Ross Township
PA State Senator Lindsey Williams [38th District] and PA State Representative Emily Kinkead [20th District] will host the 2022 Senior Resource Fair from 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, September 27 at the Ross Community Center, located at 1000 Ross Municipal Road in Ross Township.
The fair offers an assortment of educational and informational exhibits geared towards the interests and needs of older adults, as well as an opportunity for attendees to receive their annual flu shot and COVID-19 boosters.
To learn more, call (412) 364-0469 or visit