News from the Allegheny County Department of Humans Services

The importance of staying physically well only increases during a community health emergency. But the unprecedented stressors, stay-at-home restrictions and ominous health risks of our current pandemic can make maintaining our physical wellness more challenging than ever. Here are some strategies for promoting physical wellness during these unique and difficult times: 
Sleep: Good, consistent sleep is important to physical wellness. If sleep has been a struggle during this time, here are some strategies that may help. 
Nutrition: Eating right is always easier said than done, and it’s especially difficult under these circumstances. 
Exercise: Stuck for ideas on how to keep moving while stuck at home? University of Pittsburgh’s YouTube page: “Be Fit Pitt” features hundreds of short workout tutorials that you can do at home without equipment. Of course, these workouts aren’t for everyone. Any regular physical activity is beneficial: find something that you enjoy! You may even consider setting a reminder on your calendar to stand up and stretch or go for a quick walk.
Relaxation: Don’t forget to take care of yourself and relax! If winding down proves difficult, free guided meditation apps like Headspace may be a beneficial tool.
Eyesight: Many of us are spending a lot of time close to our laptops throughout the day. Prevent strain on your eyes by practicing the 20-20-20 rule: “When following the rule, a person takes a 20-second break from looking at a screen every 20 minutes. During the break, the person focuses on an object 20 feet away, which relaxes the eye muscles.”  
Remember, the following resources are also available to you by following the links below: Weekly Wellness Check-in Resources  Cornerstone Learning  County COVID-19 Page  
Allegheny County DHS | One Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222