Update Provided On Kane Centers

Statistics Being Provided on Kane Webpage, Updated Each Evening

PITTSBURGH Kane Community Living Centers (Kane) today provided an update on COVID-19 cases at its four facilities, and reviewed mitigation efforts in place for residents and staff.

Kane implemented a no visitor policy on March 13 and also canceled all resident trips out of the centers and ended group activities and communal dining. On March 25, additional measures were implemented including active screening of residents and staff for fever and respiratory symptoms. On March 27, screenings were altered to include inquiries into sick relatives at home and monitoring for cough and sore throat in staff members. Additionally, fever checks began of all residents at each shift change.

On March 25, 2020, Kane reported its first case in a staff member, followed by two cases in residents on March 27. All three cases were at its Glen Hazel facility. As of end of day yesterday, there are 50 cases in residents and 23 in staff. Additionally, the facility has reported four deaths – three at the facility and one at the hospital, has two residents currently hospitalized, and has eight residents and six staff who have recovered.

“Our singular focus during this difficult time is protecting and caring for our residents and staff,” said Director Dennis Biondo. “We have been grateful for the continued communication with and guidance from the Health Department and remain focused and committed to ensuring that we continue to provide the quality of care for which we have become known.”

Kane has been proactive in assessing patients and testing, following the guidance set forth by the CDC and the Health Department. When the first case was reported, all patient care staff began wearing surgical masks when providing patient care. After a resident on a secure unit at Glen Hazel tested positive, Kane tested all 40 residents on that unit regardless of symptoms. The Glen Hazel facility also has made the decision to suspend testing and move to full personal protective equipment (PPE) for all staff providing patient care, regardless of the positivity of the residents.

At the McKeesport facility, one resident has tested positive. The individual had been at a local hospital for other medical issues. Following the facility’s established protocol, that resident was tested when returned to the facility and has been isolated since.

At the McKeesport, Ross and Scott facilities, one staff person at each center has tested positive. Those employees have not worked at the centers since April 13, April 10 and April 6 respectively. Any employee who is symptomatic when screened at the time they report for work, or any time during the day, is sent home immediately and advised to contact their physician. The facilities are now able to swab symptomatic employees on site and send those specimens for testing.

As has been done with each case, the residents and staff have been made aware of the positive case and the families of residents have also been notified of the same. Additionally, families have all been provided with a number to call at any time for an update.

All employees providing patient care for residents who have tested positive, or whose test is pending, have been issued and are required to wear N95 masks, gowns, gloves and face shields or goggles.

This also applies for the health care staff conducting testing of residents and staff. As noted previously, these mitigation efforts are in place for all patient care staff at the Glen Hazel facility. All other staff in the four centers are being provided with disposable surgical masks when they report to work each day.

Kane Community Living Centers provide care for some of the most vulnerable in our community and are also those most at risk in the COVID-19 pandemic. Across all four centers, Kane employees take care of over 900 residents a day, providing nearly 93,000 days of care so far this year.

“The health, safety and welfare of our residents and staff remains our biggest priority. We are deeply indebted to, and salute, our healthcare staff who are working tirelessly to care for our residents,” said Biondo. “These staff members come to work each day and care for our residents as if they were their own family members. We recognize the commitment, dedication and sacrifices that represents, and remain grateful for everything that they do for us, and for our residents.”

The Kane Community Living Centers webpage is www.alleghenycounty.us/kane. ###

Dennis Biondo, Executive Director

Kane Community Living Centers Office of the Executive Director

955 Rivermont Drive │ Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Phone: 412-422-6800 www.alleghenycounty.us