Eager to Serve: Young George Washington, the Venango Path and Logstown Wednesday, February 20, 7-8pm * Pre-paid registration required * Join us for an evening of history! Learn about George Washington’s early historic trips to Western Pennsylvania, the importance of the Venango Path, and the politically significant Logstown Indian village on the Ohio River. Presented by the Depreciation Lands Museum historian, Jonathan Klemens, illustrated with historic paintings, maps, and photos. ** Pre-paid registration is required for the lecture, and seating is limited.** Admission per person is $6. Admission is FREE for DLMA members, however registration (below) is still requiredSpace is limited, so register here, on-line, today.Lectures are held in the Museum Tavern and are appropriate for adults and teens For more information e-mail the Museum or call 412-486-0563 |