The Beaver County Office on Aging Ombudsman Department graduated a new PEER class on June 20 at Elmcroft of Chippewa Personal Care Home. Graduates and their guests were treated to an Italian buffet from Guiseppe’s Tuscany Grill. The graduates are Jill Smith, Jane Marshall, Helen Berovich, Helen Venick, Ray Crissman, Gwen Shiel, Joan Stratton, Merry Metz and Janet Zurga.
The PEER Project is a concept that trains resident advocates to work from inside their facilities with staff and other residents to enhance the quality of care and quality of life for the residents living in the long-term care facility. The project, which was initiated by the Pennsylvania State Ombudsman Office, is currently statewide. Long-term plans for Beaver County are to have PEER groups in every nursing home and personal care home.
State regional ombudsman coordinator Dorrie Taylor presented graduates with a PEER badge, state certificate and starfish pin. Graduates also received a PEER shirt, door sign, tote bag and personalized embroidered blanket. As part of the program, the PEER graduates sang” God Bless America.”
The ombudsman staff and volunteers provide support and ongoing training for the new PEER group. The group will continue to meet every other month and work together on some special projects, which could include a food committee and welcoming new residents.
If you are a resident living in a Beaver County personal care home, Dom care home or nursing home and are interested in becoming a PEER volunteer, contact Tesi Dye at the Beaver County Office on Aging at (724) 847-2262.